LEADER - e-course
Leader in Youth Exchanges - online training course
General description
If you are keen on working with young people,
If you enjoy being in an international context,
If supporting others’ learning experiences gives you a sense of achievement,
Then this may just be the course for you!
Leader in youth exchanges online course will give you the opportunity to take a closer look at youth exchanges and the human resources involved in preparing and organising them.
Shall we?
You can APPLY by creating the user account here and explore the content HERE.
Once you have the account there, you can explore the content. Please check your SPAM folder as well, sometimes you can find there some messages from our side.
Do you want to know more? Here is some relevant information.
The course is open for participants from Programme and Partner countries of E+.
Programme countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Serbia.
Objectives of the course – key elements
During this course we will support your acquisition of the following skills:
Gain knowledge about history around youth exchanges;
Understand essential aspects of youth exchange projects;
Identify and apply criteria to select leaders and participants;
Understand advantages of organising an APV;
Acknowledge the learning opportunities offered by a youth exchange project;
Identify skills and competences needed for a group leader;
Gain knowledge on safety, first aid and legal issues;
Get familiar with specific and transversal competences expected from a group leader:
· Build positive, non-judgemental relationships with young people;
· Involve young people in planning, delivery and evaluation of non-formal activities using participatory methods;
· Create safe, motivating and inclusive learning;
· Support young people in acquiring intercultural competences;
· Facilitating individual and group learning;
· Designing programmes for young people;
· Communicating meaningfully with others;
· Displaying intercultural competence.
Topics covered
We will cover some basic information on the following topics: a short history of youth exchanges in Europe, choosing partners, leaders and participants in the youth exchange, planning different aspects concerning the exchange, knowledge and skills associated with youth exchange projects, participants’ safety and security. |
Learning tools:
You will be able to connect with people from different countries and learn at your own pace.
Do you like reading? We provide you with e-books for every chapter. Do you learn better when someone guides you through the new material? Watch our audio-video presentations! Are you a visual learner? Use our mind maps to remember important information! Do you want to apply new knowledge? Solve the missions, take the quizzes and play the game! Do you want to further explore the topics? Consult the supplementary resources! |
You will need between 32 to 40 hours (4-6 hours/week) to complete the course, depending on your study pace. You can choose your own study period within the general course period proposed in each call.
Our course is free of charge for the participants, thanks to the funds from Erasmus+ programme and the efforts made by the team of the project.
When you have fulfilled the basic requirements, you will get a course attendance certificate.
Currently, the course is available in English. It will soon be available in Romanian, Italian and Spanish, as well.
Basic - Intermediate
Follow up
After the course:
- you can enrol in the Advanced Module of the course, interact with other participants in an international context and further develop your competences as a group leader;
- you can join the non-formal network - community of practice for leaders in youth exchanges;
- you can apply for a 3-day multiplier event dedicated to the most active 50 participants.
The project
This course is provided through the E+ project “Online training courses for E+ Youth Workers”, funded with support from the European Commission. More about the project and the other online modules developed in the project can be found at http://thecourses.eu.
The partners:
Do you need help?
You can call us at 0040722977094 or write to contact@thecourses.eu.
Are you ready for enrolment?
You can APPLY by creating the user account here and explore the content HERE.
Once you have the account there, you can explore the content as specified in the call. Please check your SPAM folder as well, sometimes you can find there some messages from our side.
Enjoy the ride!
This material has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this material reflects the views only of the authors and the National Agency or the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information.