
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Project manager in Erasmus+

Mentor in Volunteering activities

Leaders in Youth Exchanges

Project manager in Erasmus+

Organisation, where the case is

This course offer skills and knowledges. I learnt a lot but what I like more is that I can choose in which way I learn because it offers videos, E-books ... It's funny because I have a chance to choose and what resources to use more.

Maria Antonia Mulas

University of Padua

Hi there, I would generally say and confirm that I enjoyed taking part on this course. Almost everything at some extent was marvellous and look forward to complete the upcoming courses.

Altin Guberi

LDA Balkan

Project manager in Erasmus Plus online course provided me and my colleagues in my organization essential information package and expert level online experience to initiate and manage our own projects in the future under schema of Erasmus plus program of European Commission!

Taha Kaan Isleyici

Rainbow Alliance for Democracy and Citizenship

This is a great course. Videos, documents and bibliography. Since the course was opened one year ago, I found those courses really well done.

Paola Charbonnier


I really enjoyed the project manager in Erasmus Plus and felt the challenge. It built confidence. Thanks for everything! I felt it was a tremendous learning experience for me. I enjoyed every aspect of the course (well some of the question were very challenging!)  I have grown so much from this course, in so many ways. I look forward to taking other courses in the future.  Thanks for this wonderful on-line opportunity.

Farouq Hamdan


The design of the course follows the logical sequence of information delivery and practical approach. The course content and friendly format provide a comprehensive overview to necessary steps for successful acquisition of project management knowledge. It definitely clarified some important issues regarding the project management process, empowered me with solid skills in the field, which will allow me to tackle more confidently the project management task in further projects.

Petronela Colbea

Asociatia I.A.T.A.

I love these courses. They are very interesting and I am learning some new things every time.

Mojca Lubej

Društvo pozitivno življenje Koper

This course offered me the opportunity to find out relevant information about the role and tasks of the project manager.

Gianina Trifan

Școala Gimnazială Ioan Băncescu Adâncata Suceava

A very interesting, challenging course!

Elena Daniela Iordache


Very interesting and interactive.

Raluca Nisipeanu

Liceul Economic :Virgil Madgearu"

Yet another nice course, 4 Hits Ladies and Gentlemen. And this is the fourth!

Nicolae-Andrei Szilagyi


Is the first time when I participate in this kind of course so I must tell you that was challenging and rewarding for me. I have discovered that I like learning on E-books, audio-video presentations and 3D game. This Project Manager course it was an engaging experience for improving my learning. I found new things related to project planning, his processes and about managing the risks. I really enjoyed this course. Thank you so much for this great opportunity to learn how to become a successful Project Manager.

Violeta Dirtu

Technological High School Stefan cel Mare Cajvana

The course is well designed, very well structured and the game included very useful and attractive.

Corneliu Busuioc

Scoala Gimnaziala Ieremia Valahul Sasca Mare

This learning experience was very reflective and pleasant as a process. I earned more, I feel richer I can now be better, because knowledge is power!

Eleni Kavazidou

ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia

The information is extremely useful, applicable to everyone. I had no idea about a lot of issues, now I have clarified them. Congratulations on the way you structured the course! Useful, very pleasant, and colleagues are wonderful and very active!

Alina Cuciurean

Forestry College Bucovina

It was a wonderful course, a great opportunity to lean and experience new and challenging tasks!

Monica Arotaritei

Colegiul de art Ciparian porumbescu Suceava, Roman

This course is much more than a project manager course. If one takes the information alone, one can easily improve their project management skills, and that in itself is great. However, if one looks back to the previous course and notices the dedication of the team and their visible efforts and ambition to improve, this course is a model of dedication and connection with the beneficiaries of one's project. Well done team!

Irina Mastan


It was an interesting course!

Cornelia-Mirela Neacsu

"Ion Mincu" Technical College "Focsani

I believe this course has given me a better understanding of being a project manager. the course covers different aspects in detail and I would recommend anyone that is interested to participate. However, If the full the course can be downloaded in the form of a PDF, for future purposes. Then that would be really good to look back at if you need to recall some details.

Rudy Qaqu


Even if I’ve been very busy, doing this course has helped me learn a lot of things.

Sidorela Gorovelli

Growth Albania Organization

In my opinion, it contains a lot of useful information, it is transparent and easy to learn.

Orsolya Kolosi Csaszlovszkyné

Egyesek Youth Association

These courses broaden your knowledge much compared to other courses like, you can work peacefully at home and with each certificate you get trust in your strength and forces is growing more. Let’s hope you will come back soon with other courses like this. Thank you

Ioan Catalin Maxim

Colegiul "Alexandru cel Bun" Gura Humorului

Thanks to the team for giving us the opportunity to learn how to be a good project manager in the field of youth work. It had some previous experience but I didn't know some of the topics and tools presented because when I started working, I didn't have any support. I really appreciated your effort for improving the quality of the Erasmus+ program.

Eugenia Mantecón Melgarejo


Although the theory about the Erasmus + project is very large and difficult, this course shows an easy and fun way. The course gives you very useful tools and tips that you can use.

Maria Asuncion Mendias Mellado


Really interesting project: I found it highly formative. I recommend it to anyone who wants to approach the world of planning a project.

Fabio Milillo

Magic Basket Chieti

The course is very well structured and even though some information may seem a bit too much at the first glance, you will find that throughout the course, there are a lot of examples from the real world, which helps a lot with putting the learned stuff into a context. On the other hand, the system of peer reviews is more than enjoyable - especially if you are able to leave and also receive some constructive feedback, I found it very helpful. What´s more, there is a game at the end! I would definitely recommend the course, because I think the platform is easy to use and in general, it´s a great non-formal educational tool for anybody interested in improving their managerial skills. My congratulations to the creators for making it in such an interesting way, great project in itself.

Beata Potančoková


it was a great experience to enrol this course  and to have a deep understanding of project manager course and i recommend other people to enrol to be professional in their work

Chadi Kostantine


During this training I found all the useful information and materials I will definitely use to administer the project.

Edita Vyšniauskė

Gargždai Open Youth Center

Very well organized and extremely useful course!!

Radul Kovachev


Thank you! This online course was very detailed, but still interesting!

Sanda Roze


When I started to participate in the course, I thought I knew everything due to my age and experience. But there is always something new to learn. So, I learn some new things and I focused on some details I didn’t pay attention before. Thank you

Eleni Plevra

Enviroment Online Greece

I'm thankful to the creators of this online course because it gave me the opportunity to find a method for orienting me in project management as a beginner. I won't start tomorrow but I will use for sure all the notes that I took. Your course is one more brick to my path. Thank you!

Arianna Perassi


The course provided the basics of project management in a very structured and clear way. The course was professional, and it was well-organized, using elements of games, so that it was interesting to learn.

Ekaterina Petryanina

Saint Petersburg University

In terms of content, this course was better than I expected and I had high expectations. The information was very clear and I truly learned a lot. I think there was a lot of information to process in every module and it is difficult to manage time when you have a lot of work, but this course caught my attention. It was a turning point and I recommend this training!

Catarina Queirós


The participation in the course "The Project Manager in Erasmus Plus" was a very useful experience for me enabling me to cement my practically obtained guesses and approaches on project management. I could do this through the provided relevant readings and presentation of the expertise and knowledge currently in use in the field of project management. Also, self-assessment after each unit and peer evaluation and encouragement made the course even more lively and open. The course also offered many resources for further use in project management gained both through readings and inputs by the other participants.

Siranush Seyranyan


I liked this course because it emphasized the lesser known things in project management. The learning methods used in this course motivated me to stay in front of the computer much more than usual. I learned new things and thank you for this.

Lacramioara Vladut

Liceul Tehnologic "Vasile Sav"

Very interesting and well-articulated course. For me an excellent opportunity to repeat what has been learned in previous courses and improve.

Antonella Novelli


Whatever you learn, you can find many different perspectives about the knowledge you acquired. In this course, I opened my eyes to many new things or things that I had short knowledge about it. Many thanks for your great effort.

Mohammad Al Shoboul

Jesuit Refugee Services

it's not always easy to find the motivation to approach new working activities, especially in topics apparently not particularly entertaining, as project management. However, this course has allowed me to jump into the E+ project management world in an interesting, not banal and stimulating way. 

Andrea Ronconi


The course was great. There is a very good balance between the knowledge that must be acquired, the skills that we have to develop as a project manager in Erasmus + field, and the aptitudes to adopt in the Erasmus + project environment. For me the Manager must have a good balance among those three competencies :  Head (Knowledge)Heart (Attitudes)Hands (Skills) The peer evaluation able us to share with others opinion participants and also to understand that there is a management process that help us to lead the project in an efficient way to reach our results, but also different point of views and vision du to our background life and cultures that bring richness in this course. The self-assessment is a very good indicator of “knowledge implementation”. This course also gives you the opportunity to study on your rhythm, taking into account our busy life (work, families, Corona Situation…), but also give you the opportunity to build a net of project managers and may be some future partners for potential projects. Actually, I am planning to go further for the Mentor Course. As I want to be more and more involved for sharing my experiences.

Lakhdar Zohir

MATISSA MOROCCO NON Profit Organisation

This project provided itself to be the perfect opportunity to tackle the basics of project management. The trainers carefully opted for an easy-to-understand language, the page and content itself were very harmonious and user-friendly. I am also very thankful to have been able to participate in this course for free, as content such as this and of this quality would otherwise be difficult to access. Thank you for the opportunity!

Andreia Mateus


This course has been really interesting, full of input, tools and 'friendly' format for an easy learning. I found it super useful for my working context and I from the very first moment I started applying in real work context some of the tools acquired. I am really satisfied and thankful for this opportunity!

Alice Marcellina Trevelin

Jonathan Cooperativa Sociale

The course was very engaging, useful and informative.

Margarita Nurijanyan

Impact Hub

I have been looking for a course on Project Management for some time. There are a lot of offline courses, yet most of them are not free of charge and they cover several (not many) topics only. When I came into this course, I was surprised at the topic coverage (a wide range of topics on project management) and the fact that is completely free. Therefore, I didn't hesitate to enrol. You can imagine my surprise and satisfaction when I found out that the course is not only free and covers a lot of topics on project management but is challenging, well structured, well balanced, very interactive, tailor-made for particular type of projects as well. I found what I had been looking for. Thanks for the whole team who has developed this course!

Ruzanna Sargsyan


This course gave me a better understanding on the project management as an idea and concept from its roots and its implementations in various ways. I gathered many new tools and inspiration that will give me a boost of productivity for my future projects.

Maria Larisa Giangkampozidou

Youthfully Yours GR

Thank You for the course it was very interesting , useful and encouraging.

Varduhi Badoyan


The project manager in the Erasmus Plus online course was a very informative one for me. I am more than 2 years in the field of youth work and project management and the amount of knowledge and information I received from this training is inexplicable. Every time there were new sections I was super excited to read the materials and to start the self-assessments and missions. I made a lot of notes from this course and I want to use them in future. I want to thank the organizers of this course for such a great opportunity.

Diana Babakhanyan

Armenian Progressive Youth NGO

The course is very useful for beginners in project management with special focus on E+ projects. It provides a lot of relevant information in a short form. The developers did a good job.

Olha Nesterova

Dnipro University of Technology

This project met all my expectations. I gained more knowledges, and the methods that you used helped in my personal and professional development I would like to attend more on-line courses from you in the future. 

Margarita Mitsioni

Potenzial Jugend

A good opportunity to systematize the knowledge acquired in the field in the management of Erasmus + projects, to deepen and learn, to compare with other participants and to learn from each other! Recommended ;-)

Katia De Luca

Legacoop Puglia

I watched with interest every step of the course, I also read the opinions of my colleagues. The course was very well organized, structured and with many applications.

Alina Bistriceanu


I found this course very interesting and useful. I gained some extra knowledge in a short and in online way.

Maria Mavridou

Major Denelopment Agency Thessaloniki

This is a useful online course to engage and motivate youth in the field of Erasmus+ Project Management. The staff behind has done a great effort.

Jorge Carbajal García


The course it was very interactive, well structured and useful for the tools and the contents.

Gabriele Panella

Associazione VISIONARIA

First of all, I am grateful to the organizers of this amazing course. Before I started to the course I had very limited knowledge about project management. But now I learned a great deal about this field. Also, engagement and ideas of other participants made this journey interesting and unforgettable for me. I am looking forward to participate in more courses like this in the future. Thank you!

Fatima Asadova


It is very interesting as first approach to PM.

Annalisa Gaglione

Project Ahead

This project had been very helpful, since i heard about many things, not everything, but I didn't know how they actually worked. For sure it helped to have a clearer image of a project and of all the issues involved.

Sara Masini

Il Cassetto dei Sogni

I find this course very suitable for beginners in project management. It was well organised and interesting. I hope to participate in similar ones in the future.

Maja Muškić Treber


It was a very useful online course, covering all the grounds for a good project managing. The materials, resources and files that are shown are useful and can be used in the future. The peer to peer assessment and self-assessment are great way to interact with other participants as well as to learn more from them.

Ivan Domazetoski

Association for Youth Activism and Growth

Sometimes, being a Project Manager has been frustrating and confusing to me: the role, responsibilities and skills are not always clear, not even within organisations. This course's main strength is starting from the fundamentals, to get to a more advanced level, in what I like to call a "learning journey”. This cannot, of course, substitute the real, concrete job, but, thanks to its missions and assignments, gave me the opportunity to commit, to feel engaged, and to test my limits. I would recommend this course to all of the people, youth workers, and wannabe PMs who are confused regarding this role and want to know more about the processes of project management with a specific focus on Erasmus+, to get to a good level of knowledge and information about tools and methods, very useful for this job.

Francesca Buccione


This course is a very good tool for beginners who want to learn about educational projects in the Erasmus+ programme, but not only. It's dynamic learning, also through games and active contribution, and full of suggestions and additional tools. I recommend it for beginners or people who have not a lot of experience.

Lucio Pileggi


My overview of this project is that it's very useful and a new way to learn for me since I haven't taken part in a TC with the gamification as the principal tool. During the whole learning process, I have been very motivated to reach the next level. To develop or get management skills you should have the opportunity to put in practice all the knowledge gained in this course. An overall of the course would it be: a very useful course if you dedicate the time and if you are motivated to do it.

Raúl Hinojosa Peña

Asociación de Monitores para el Tiempo Libre Mar A

I found this course easy to follow yet it offers a lot of useful knowledge!

Luísa Guedes

Raízes Verdes

I can definitely tell that this course was one of the most interesting ones I have ever participated. As a person who studies production and management engineering of course I am very interested in project management in general but now that I have finished the course, I can say that I see the whole procedure of project management in a completely different way. Also, I hope that I will be able to practice all of the knowledge that I gained in the NGO that I am part of. Thank you!!!

Efstathios Vezyris

Board of European Students of Technology

Very interactive and playful way of learning such an important modern skill! I enjoyed whole ride from the very beginning self-evaluation to the wonderful ending game, which connected all the dots together.

Lubos Slavik

Borad of European Students of Technology (BEST)

Very interesting, informative and useful.

Jana Dimitrijevic

Seventh Belgrade High School

The course was very important for me, as I work with the youth and participate in some projects. I would like to organize my own projects but I'd had no idea how to do it. The course made me think a lot

Anna Gorislav

Perm State University

The course was important and valuable learning experience because it challenged my thinking. It exceeded my expectations, in particular because   it explored other aspects of project management. I have   learned so much that I could put into practice.  All   individual answers were given a comment which helped me understand if I   missed something.

Olena Kolomiichuk


During this course, I have got new knowledge about some aspects of project-management, understood that making notes about challenges and success can help in future projects and understood basic requirements for the Youth projects under Erasmus+. Everything mentioned above I plan to use in my daily work with local communities. As received knowledge and experience it’s not just about Erasmus+, they can be used in different spheres of our life. Generally, it was a great experience of learning project-management by means of computer game!)

Nataliia Strelbitska


This course is very useful for who want to start developing E+/ESC projects. The design and the story in which the course takes place are great and the 3D game at the end is great to enjoy the course and test what you learnt.



A very interesting and useful course. I hope I can do similar ones with them!

Lucia Asensi


First of all, I would like to express my great gratitude for having this chance to participate in this amazing TC. Secondly, the content, structure and timeline were perfectly developed and organized. The provided materials were very informative and useful. The whole process was accompanied with fun and creativity. Hope to e-meet you again.

Anna Tovmasyan

Armenian Progressive Youth NGO

The Project manager in Erasmus Plus course is the best course I've ever had. Here you will get a lot of useful materials, you can share your skills and experiences with people interested in project management area and get the practical skills. Thank you for setting up deadlines, motivate us with interesting tasks, points and turn a learning way into a pleasant journey. I'll definitely miss it!

Inna Ovcharuk


Thank you for this great course, it was fun, really well structured and I've learned a lot. I hope I will be able to apply this knowledge in the future.

Alexandra Person

EuroPeers UK

The course in general is easy and pleasant with a good amount of information. It is not a course for professionals, but there are high-level tools that can be used in different situations.

Francesco Palmieri


Since I knew the Erasmus + world I have never stopped learning. However, this course has been a great push in terms of expanding knowledge, ideas and motivation. Without a doubt, totally recommended.

Barbara Lopez


It's a very good content provided in this course but there's a lack of design and interaction between participants. I recommend it for people willing to experience Management in E+ activities.

Laurent Bigarella


My opinion on the course is generally a good one. First, I find that the content was useful, well-presented and important for my professional practice as Project manager. I also liked very much the assessment process as I find that is encourages autonomy of students. I definitely support peer evaluation and find that students did do it in a constructive way. My only "but" is about the gamified environment. I found it quite detached from the learning process. The puzzle, for instance, was left aside in my opinion. I suggest working on this part. Thank you for the course, I hope to be able to go ahead with other courses in the future.

Héloïse Benoit


A very challenge way to urge about problem you can find in project management in Erasmus +!

Laura Bartoletti

Viaggi senza frontiere

Thanks to all of the organizations involved for an informative and useful introduction to Erasmus+ project management. Great input from everyone and I look forward to seeing more courses like this, offered free of charge to a wide audience, in the future.

Clement Mulcahey Banks


Highly recommended if we want to know more and know better what is behind Erasmus+ projects. It gives the opportunity to approach the previous realization of a project and the work it entails. Very dynamic training format.

Alejandra Carrasco Martín

Fundación Sant Pere Claver

Very interesting game-based approach to project management training!

Claudia Barbosa


a very interesting training, I acquired a lot of skills and performances that I can use within my organization and association

Omar Khalifa


Very useful course: it provides useful tools in a clear way and allows you to deepen according to everyone's needs.

Silvia Castelli


The course is a great option for anyone that wants to take on a role of project manager in Erasmus + programmes. I'm really satisfied with the level of information, tools and bibliography used in a course. I've learned a lot and now I can start implementing gained knowledge in my own work practice. Highly recommended.

Sylwia Sosnowska

Municipal Public Library in Żory

I find this online course to be a great opportunity for people with limited time to learn project management. This also came at a great time when everyone was isolating themselves due to covid-19 pandemic. Even though it felt like needing more practice and comprehension, it did its function and gave me an insight and frame for project management. I sincerely thank all the team that made this possible. Cheers

Soner Can Milik


I like the course very much! It was well structured and helped me a lot!

Elisabetta Mei


This course can be more useful, if some practical knowledge is also shared. Webinar series from experienced professionals should also be there , along with questionnaires.

Vijay Kumar Pundir


On the whole I found this training very interesting, well documented and with suitable exercises to enable going forward in future Project Management planning.

Hanna Clairière


I have found the course to be an excellent introduction to the participation in E+ projects, especially for those inclined to the position of a project manager. Nonetheless, it is also an interesting course for all future participants of the numerous projects within the E+ platform, as it gives you information and a scope of what can be expected during the project. Better prepared, than sorry - keep in mind. And you'll have fun while you're at it - what more can we ask?

Ana Džaja

OŠ Šime Budinića Zadar, Croatia

I enjoyed the course very much. It provided valid, and terrific information on project management and the structure of Erasmus+ projects. I mostly enjoy the game, missions and peer evaluation.

Rima Simonyan

BSU Career Center and Graduates Association

I highly appreciate that the course is organize and we have the opportunity to enrol for free as many courses regarding Project Management are not free. I have overall knowledge about Project Management but with the help of this course I enrich my skills also in projects of Erasmus+. Thanks for the course and all the people who work on this!

Narine Israyelyan


The course was very useful, lots of details were explained very punctually

Penka Wood

RhodopaeA - Balkanica Association

Very interesting and useful course.

Igor Vologin

Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan

My “friendship" with Erasmus started in 2018, when I applied for the first KA1 mobility project for my University. And we got it!! Then I had to join our international office to coordinate my project. At that period, I found out more Erasmus directions that I had not known before, but they interested me greatly. This course appeared just in time to fill my knowledge gap) I have never had experience in managing Erasmus + educational projects. That is why almost all material in this course turned to be completely new for me. For me it was not easy, but challenging and informative! It gave me the bases and the grounds to develop further! Thank you for the opportunity to learn and to become a part of the course!

Nataliia Slyvka

Cherkasy National University


Nina Knaus


The course is complex. There are a lot of materials that have to be very well studied and listen. I like the course and I will recommend to all my willing colleagues. Thank you.

Alina Mirela Popa


The course is excellent, for every level of knowledge.

Nebojsa Savanovic


I really improved my skills in PM during these courses.

Mahsati Azizova

Migration Voluntee Public Union

The courses are very competent, interesting, and easy to learn new material.

Natallia Puzan

Institute of Radiobiology of the NAS of Belarus

The course gave me opportunity to look on the other side of an Erasmus+ project- not as participant but as project manager.

Iliyana Zaharieva


As a project manager, I greatly enjoyed this course. It manages to do a great job of explaining important project management concepts and applying it to the European Union. It is designed like a game so it's even more motivating to do it. Our organization will definitely use many of the tools you provided for both project application as well as future implementation. Thank you!

Tina Radaković

LAG Horní Pomoraví

I really like this course. I have never experienced a course structure through gamification. 

Paolo Casagrande


I liked this course.

Kristóf Pleszel


A very useful course for beginners. A lot of interesting and structured information. Excellent video lectures that successfully complement the material. The game deserves special attention - useful and interesting. Thank you for the opportunity to take this course.

Olena Bielova

KROK University

Extremely useful.

Carmen-Mirela Butaciu

Liceul Atanasie Marienescu

This course was very helpful and now finally I will be surer in that what and how I am doing as Project Manager.

Gordana Orescanin

Contemporary Art Production "Viva Dance Academy"

Mentor in Volunteering activities



Organisation, where the case is

These courses are amazing and I improve my skills a lot learning knowledges that before I didn't know. I’m sure that I'm going to use all of it. I solve my doubts about some things and now I'm surer to try to be a mentor. Thanks to all organisation!!

Maria Antonia Mulas


I enjoyed the course.

Altin Guberi


This course is a great way of understand the role of mentoring and how it fits the Erasmus+ ethos. It is great for a beginner and useful for any old hands who want to refresh their learning and be challenged by newer thinking

Mike Kelcey

Aici Pentru Tine

I enjoyed again also this course. Easy to learn. Thank you

Paola Charbonnier


I think the course was excellent for someone like me - development person working more and more on monitoring, teaching and guiding students, and looking for future work in youth field. Thanks for all great work.

Farouq Hamdan


It was another great experience to take part in this course-Mentor in volunteering activities after Leaders in youth exchange! It was even more involving, more informative, more practical, more fun. Definitely, I improved my knowledge and competences about the topic and I will use it in my work as a teacher, youth worker and event organizer. Thank you for giving us this opportunity!

Temenuga Hristova


II consider that the special part of this course was the webinar in which I and other participants worked in a team. Sharing ideas, discussing them and sharing good practices were more efficient when we met collaborators live, even if this meeting was online.

Liliana Lavinia Negrila

"Moise Nicoara" National College Arad, Romania

I love this course very, very much. I got a lot of new knowledge and I recommended it to all :)

Mojca Lubej

Društvo pozitivno življenje

We were waiting for our own first long-term volunteer at our school. Even I have long term experience in work with kids and young people in international environment, I felt that I am getting nervous, because I was not sure about my role, duties and borders for EU volunteer. This course helped me to clear out my role, duties and responsibilities to volunteer, my co – workers, local partners and  EU. We are ready for volunteers now. Welcome!

Ilze Liepina-Naula


The course is so interesting, I learnt a lot of new things and the main challenge is find a place to put in practice all the info. Sometimes I feel you can learn a lot in this kind of courses, but then you need a place to discover in the reality the meaning of the context, and in my case, there are only a few organizations and they are so busy so the course is useful if you already have some place to work.

Evelyn Parras


Exciting story, very well structured information, easy to follow

Elena Daniela Iordache


Excellent course for those who want to become a mentor.

Miroslava Ishtenko


I would like to thank anybody worked on this course. I can see the hard work that been made here. I learned a lot through this course. I'm sure this would help me a lot in my career as a social activist and youth worker.

Othmane Ettir


An interesting course, very well structured, many resources and diverse.

Gabriela Mazilu

Scoala Gimnaziala comuna Cislau

Thank you very much for your invitation to attend this course. It is a useful and interesting course. I will use it for future projects. I hope to have the opportunity to apply practically what I have learned.

Corneliu Busuioc

Scoala Gimnaziala Sasca Mare

It's a very good course.

Mihaela Josan-Ziub


Very useful information for someone who needs a guide on mentoring projects!

Panagiota Pana


if you want to make progress either depending on or in life this course helps you both in one and in the other

Ioana Craciuneanu


The current training course is very supportive as to distinguish roles, tasks and responsibilities within the group of an EVS or ESC program coordination. It is crucial to be trained in such of topics for project's quality assurance and project’s order; moreover there is given such of information that is supportive for avoiding time loss and not useful tasks (efficient time & plan management). Thank you once again!

Eleni Kavazidou

ESAI EN ROI Cultural Org/tion of Macedonia Thrace

An extremely beautiful course, with very useful information. A complete, complex learning material, very easy to travel. I hope we have as many experiences as possible. We are 6 colleagues from our school enrolled and we are very excited. Thank you!!!

Alina Cuciurean

Forestry College Bucovina

This course has helped me understand several things better, it has offered me a new perspective and even brought some new challenges that I had to face. It was a wonderful experience that I highly recommend to everyone!

Monica Arotaritei

Colegiul de Arta "Ciprian Porumbescu" Suceava

The course was really very interesting and I actually learnt a lot. It   was challenging and stimulating. The missions were designed in a way   that could summarize the theory. I would, though, like more interaction   between the participants (even some activities that should be carried   out from smaller groups of participants). The game was very interesting and fun, also   summarizing the theory (I had some trouble running   it in my computer, though, even having chosen the low graphics option). All in all, everything was great. I would do   it again, anytime.

Margarita Daleziou

Municipality of Syros-Hermoupolis

This course was interesting, I learned a lot about mentoring.

Cornelia-Mirela Neacsu

Colegiul tehnic ”Ion Mincu” Focșani

It was a good idea the use of an online platform to introduce this kind of training. It is useful has your own time to participate in, to do your tasks and peer evaluation. The topic was interesting and I learnt something new, for me maybe a basic but I will wait for the advanced level.

Felicia Pontello


Mentor in volunteering activities online course was a very useful course. Now we can finally elaborate a definition of the mentor:    The EVS/ESC mentor is a competent person insured by a partner organization, who provides “ongoing personal support” for volunteers, throughout the duration of their stage.    Another aspect of mentoring which differentiates the EVS/ESC mentor from other mentors, are the two types of mentor positions which exist: regular mentor and consolidated mentor. Thank you for this opportunity!

Ionela Popescu


As a beginner in the field of youth work, it was a really useful course for me. It is very well structured, good information and possibility to put in practice the things learned. Thank you for this opportunity.

Iulita Popa

Cultural Association Malik

The course has been a pleasurable and dynamic way to learn more about the role of a mentor! I really appreciate the content and the flexibility to access it

Elisa Cattaneo


I really liked the course though I think that such sections as Peer evaluation, for instance, could be improved and rethought.

Marianna Osipova

Da Exit NGO

I really liked the course. There was a lot of useful information and practical tasks. Most of all I liked the motivation system (badges, treasure hunts, stars, progress feed, rating) and peer assessment. For me it was a new interesting experience and knowledge that I can apply in my work!

Sofia Khaiainen

Centre "Initiative",Petrozavodsk, Russia

A good course, as long as you like video games.

Rea Fraser

Strait UP

Thank you for the useful and attractive course you gave us. The content, graphics and episodes are at the highest note. I will definitely recommend it to my colleagues at school.

Alina Busuioc

Colegiul National Vasile Lovinescu Falticeni

I appreciate the course very much. It drew my attention to some aspects of being a volunteer's mentor I have never heard about. It showed me a process of becoming a good mentor. I would recommend it to all volunteers' mentors and mentors to be. It made a great impact on my attitude towards EVS/ESC idea.

Violetta Stokfisz

Gmina Dąbrowa

This course was helpful for who want to work on projects as a mentor or leader.

Alishir Boyukkhanli

Azerbaijan Young Developers (AYD)

I really liked everything! An impeccable structure of the course, very attractive everything. I also liked my colleagues' answers and I learned a lot from them.

Ioan Catalin Maxim

Alexandru cel Bun College

Thank you for the course! I learned more than I expected.

Elena Samsonova


As I previously said the course was helpful as it provided me with a lot of information, resources, tools and the chance to interact with other mentors, facilitators or youth workers. I think it was a good experience and I would like to learn more.

Roxana Echim


I found the course very helpful to me. I have already started using ideas, and theoretical tools, to my actual, present mentoring position. Great introduction to the world of mentoring,

Ioannis Leakos


The course was a very good way to learn new things about mentoring and the best thing is that it's free so every person can complete it, it also gives us a certificate.

Akasha Amjad

MetAction (Metadrasi)

A very well organised e-course. Pointed out the professional aspects of the mentors. A very useful and tangible tool for youth workers.

Nora Chorozian

Viaje a la Sostenibilidad

I quite enjoyed the modules. First of all, it is well designed and decorated. While you are learning, you experience competitiveness and it enables you to proceed. The knowledge and the sources are adequate. You can easily cover the topic of mentoring for ESC.

Gamze Özdemir

Her Dem Ngo Ankara Turkey

It is a very good course for a beginner. It has strict to the point information and resources. And the way you apply the knowledge is very interactive and helpful for your developing. Also, the exchange of the feedback between participants is very useful to learn more information

Denisa Vornicu


The online course was very useful because I am a partner in Erasmus programs. The course was very rich and well explained.

Mihai Catalin Mihailescu

National Collegium Dragos Voda

The project was really good organized. I really liked and I think it's going to help me a lot. Thank very much for this perfect work.

Vasiliki Bletsaki


It was an amazing experience trough this mentor course. I’ve learnt a lot of new things; how can I apply in real life with real volunteers. A lot of interactive ways to learn, very complex with videos, game wow, amazing. I highly recommend to do this course

Aurel Barbu


Very well prepared and presented course!

Radul Kovachev


I enjoyed greatly this online course. Very well-balanced course with sufficient reading, audio-visual presentations, games, quizzes, missions, supplementary resources, etc.

Ruzanna Sargsyan


It was the best online course I have ever attended to. it's structure, the resources and the forms of evaluation were motivating and accurate

Maria Pliota


The courses are interesting well-structured and professional

Alina Bistriceanu


Very useful course!

Sajeda Musa


Really good, interesting and informal course in topic I am interested in. Youth work is a field I want to build my career and this course is a motivating beginning. I gained new knowledge about mentorship, role and responsibilities of mentor, models of mentor and competences that one mentor should have. I found myself in lot of terms. For me, this is very useful course. Thank you! 

Jana Dimitrijevic

Seventh Belgrade High School

Very informative and good learning. This you will get use for not only in projects but also in the daily life.

Marie Gjengstø


This a very good and helpful course, especially for people who want to be involved in mentoring for the first time! Well done.

Sotiris Lamprou


This is a very well planned and delivered on-line course, allowing a very unique learning experience! I consider it of great value for my personal and professional development - what I have learned can be applied in so many situations in my life and youth work. Thanx for the opportunity!

Dragana Mitrovikj


The course materials were good, interesting, involving and straight to the point. I learnt many things and I plan to use the news directly or indirectly in the future. I think it's a very solid course. Thank you.

Rasa Venclove

Vilkaviskis Open Youth Center

The course happens to be extremely useful, having all of the in-depth information and tools to develop competencies as a mentor. I will definitely use the knowledge and assimilate it into my daily practice with volunteers. Highly recommended course.

Sylwia Sosnowska

Public Municipal Library in Żory

Very interesting and valuable course.

Igor Vologin

Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan

The course was very interesting.


School Viceamiral Ioan Murgescu

This e-learning course is one of the most efficient MOOCs for a youth worker. I especially liked the game part, the overall interactive approach that the platform provides, and the easy-to-use interface. Thank you very much for such an opportunity!

Garnik Sargsyan

NGO , Armenia

I am thankful for having a great chance to take part in this wonderful course. Here I practiced lots of activities, which will develop in my future professional path. After this course I am well informed and I am sure that will be able to discuss and make conclusions more deeply regarding youth topics. As a youth worker, I hope to work more effectively in my NGO and always bring benefit to my wonderful team))

Narek Hayriyan

"Youth MIX" NGO

It was a very interesting course which helped me deepen my previous knowledge, gain a better understanding of the process of mentoring, as well as learn new information that can be applied in volunteering programs and in other activities

Cristiana Rodean


Leaders in Youth Exchanges

Participant Testimonial
Maryem Ait Ahmed In general, I found that the course was a great opportunity to learn about Youth Exchange and yes it was a good experience!
ZEYAD ALARKAN Very interesting online course. Excellent content, so much useful and important for next youth leaders.
María Dolores Alegre Mariscal  I decided to inscribe myself because it was related with youth workers and the Erasmus`+ program. I am starting to develop my career in the young field so I found quite interesting this opportunity. However, this wasn´t my first time doing an online training course and I must to say I am quite surprised for good in comparation with my previous experience. I mean, I have done many online courses before and they were not too well prepared. But, this training course is well developed, with useful material and contents and full of different resources and tools so everyone can find their own style of learning represented. Also, the peer-evaluation and self-evaluation are a must. I would recommend those who want to work with youngest to do it. It is a really good first approach to what is a being a youth worker.
Koszeghi Alexandra I enjoyed a lot this course, it was very important in this moment. 
MARIANA ANTONOV It was a great experience! 
Cleopatra Ardelean I am glad that I participated in this course as I had the chance to enrich my knowledge regarding leadership. I will apply this knowledge in the future youth exchanges I will take part in. 
Monica Arotaritei I am really grateful to have the opportunity to attend this online course. There so many things that I have learned and now I am looking forward to putting it into practice.
Fatih Avşar I had a great course experience.  
Savomir B Great course!
Nig Ba In general, I can say only good things for the course. I liked it and I learned a lot, I also gained motivation, which is very important.
Varduhi Badoyan I like the course, it is quite useful, though I think being a leader is a state of mind.
Cezarina Bâlbâe The course has provided me with useful well-structured information. Critical thinking and self-assessment were also challenged. 
Melis Beceral I think this course was very useful for our experience. We learned the history of youth exchanges programmes, the features which participants should have, what should leaders do and which features should they have to be leader, and we also learned security and first aid information in this project. It was very important and useful for me. Thank you...
Olena Bielova A good course for students and teachers. The information is complex, the course is filled with useful links. The game form contributes to easier assimilation of the material.
Sacha Bogaers The course managed to find a great balance between accessibility and detailed knowledge. It is attractive, stimulates learning in different way and is practical. I think the course can be a great tool for many young people and youth leaders.
Sasha Bongers This is a brilliant course!!!
I really enjoyed the complete process. I have learned even more than I hoped for and it has given me a much better understanding of the complete process involved to provide a successful and enjoyable Youth Exchange that will add value to all the participants. 
This course has given me not only so much information but showed me how to use this information in a practical way. It has given me a lot to think about and how to improve on my current processes.
Thank you for this opportunity. 
Gabriela Bujor I liked the project and I think it will be very useful for me in the future.
Alina Busuioc First of all, thank you for the useful courses you offer.
The institution where I work is interested in collaborating with other institutions in the youth exchange project.
I will definitely present to my colleagues all the information learned from this course!
Claudia Castillo I found this course really important to get more information about all the information needed to develop a good Youth Exchange in case you want to be a Youth Leader. All the information was really clear, divided in different chaperts depending on the topic. Then you had evaluations so you actually can see your own progress! I would recommend this course, I takes some hours but it's worthy, you learn about YE and you are more prepared for the next project! 
Paola Charbonnier This course is interesting and creative too.
Concepts are explain in different way, with a good bibliography, but it is like a game to play too and we can learn follow different way
Sandra Chuva It was a great learning experience!  Now, that the curse is completed, I would like to do more research on the different topics that were presented in the course.  I found out a few things about myself: one is that I am a little bit more competitive, in terms of scores, than what I thought I would be; the other is that I need to develop my creative side more.  Also, I really appreciated all the support that Bart provided throughout the course. Thanks for allowing me participate in the course!
Ecaterina Cocu Patriche This course has raised the level of my knowledge, attitudes and competencies.
Petronela Colbea The course proved to be just what I was looking for. As a youth worker, I am interested in applying as youth leader in YE projects and the course format provided me with detailed information on this topic, all this made possible from home. The fact that I could choose the rhythm to go through the course chapters and units, come back again on certain aspects and the idea of virtual interaction amongst participants made it even more worthwhile attending it. 
Alejandro Corredera Hello! My testimony of this course is summarized in that it has been an enriching, useful and effective experience. A course of these characteristics that adapts to my rhythms of time and allows me to form where and when I want is great. Wishing to continue more editions and formations of this type.
Maria Domenica Cossu In general, in my opinion the course is very well structured and allows those who do it to learn clearly and quickly with.
MARGARITA DALEZIOU All in all, it was a very interesting "voyage". It was challenging and in many cases, it gave me the opportunity to self-reflect. The learning material, together with the audio video presentations and especially the supplementary resources, were clear and precise and they surely offered me new knowledge. The missions were also very important and made me think twice! The layout, the game, the puzzle also made the procedure fun! I would go for it again!
Cristina Gabriela David The course is really engaging and informative but the games are quite time consuming.
Edis Demic The course is well created, of great importance for new youth workers
Amy Doherty I found the course to be a great resource for planning and preparation of the exchange. The risk assessments were very helpful and made me think of other risks thanks to participants inputs. The course introduced me to all aspects of an exchange and grew my confidence to lead one in the near future 
Elena Dougia I enjoy taking this course and learn a lot about Erasmus+ programmes and youth exchange.
Sabina Dzananovic Dear Erasmus + team, 
this online course was a great way to learn about youth exchange and all correlative tasks and activities. It was very exhaustive, simple and inspiring. Approach to topic was very creative and interactive. I liked audio-video content and 3d game the most. The course required a lot of individual work, but provided enough time to schedule learning in a time that suits me the most. It was very stimulating and awarding. 
Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Sincerely yours,
Sabina Dzananovic
Othmane Ettir This course was very interesting for me, It helped me a lot to get some knowledge about the youth work, and It helped me to see things in a bigger picture. 
Mohsen Gamal Many times, before, I've been supported and inspired by amazing mates who facilitate and keep us motivated during our journey. This course is like a bridge that is developing us from youth who get more to be leaders who give more.
Fatma Alzahra Gamal Mohamed The real course was very fun and useful and full of information in addition to it is starting from scratch and a journey to search for the self and discover and evaluate it, including tools and points that were very stimulating to complete each stage and provide a simple eraser understanding useful in the form of e-books and videos for those who get bored of books and a game to make It's more than fun and there is no specific date to finish the course, which made it nice and not hinders our work, but we come back at the end of the night and enjoy a new adventure and make it a fairy for everyone you are really wonderful and I hope to participate in the upcoming courses and grants for my daughter presented by The Erasmus program
Rumyana Gargavelova The course is well structured with interesting information and storyline which helps students to learn easy and fast. 
Sébastien Gerard This course is a good reminder of what a youth exchange is. It gives good basis on what I know about it.
Altin Guberi The course was awesome.
Difficulty was less than average.
I highly recommend it!!
Farouq Hamdan Leader in Youth exchange online course provides me with an opportunity to expand my leadership skills and enrich the way I am mobilize others. This course equips me with the essential tools to build strong relationships with your team and your organization, increase engagement and shape a culture of high performance. 
In the end I need to say that this course helps me to explore how to remain resilient in the face of adversity, adopting new ways of approaching challenges and overcoming obstacles in my own professional context. 
Thank you so much for all the qualification you provide us with, Well Done.
Mariam Hosam Saleh A well-established course focusing on expanding the participants' knowledge. I learnt and knew a lot of useful information through this program and I enriched my experience in youth programs. The materials of the course are substantially useful and the additional resources are hugely interesting and beneficial. Thank you!
Temenuga Hristova This course offers an amazing learning experience! I discovered that there's so much fun in learning by the applied phenomenal teaching tools and methods, which play with creativity, vocabulary, storytelling, perfectly structured information and design to guarantee an easy, understandable and interesting educational process. The course is a great opportunity that I can highly recommend! I hope that these brilliant ideas for online non-formal education will improve and develop in the future and will have more and more followers! 
Congratulations for the team, admirations for Erasmus+ !!!
Elena Daniela Iordache  To take part at this course was quite a challenge for me, as I have no experience in youth change projects. But it turned out to be an interesting, attractive and captivating course. I gained knowledge related to the history of youth exchanges in Europe, I identified and applied selection criteria in choosing group leaders and participants in youth exchanges, I understood the learning opportunities offered by the youth exchange and I found out what skills and competences are needed for group leaders and so much more!
Miroslava Ishtenko This online course is really amazing! It is both interactive and provides learners with a lot of useful information that they can later use to participate in a youth exchange as group leaders. Recommend!
TAHA KAAN ISLEYICI It was an amazing experience to learn about how to be a good and efficient effective youth leader in youth exchange with my colleagues and with candidates from my organization who want to take part in youth exchanges as a youth leader; thank you to all course team!!! 

Ultima modificare: Tuesday, 6 October 2020, 09:04